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Asian American Democrats of Texas (AADT) supports qualified Democratic candidates who proactively advocate for Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities and issues and seeks to engage AANHPI voters across Texas.


  • Candidates are eligible for endorsement if they voted in the recent Democratic primary or signed an Oath of Affiliation with the Texas Democratic Party.

  • AANHPI descent alone does not guarantee an endorsement. Each candidate shall be thoroughly evaluated based on qualifications and alignment with our values.

  • Membership dues are encouraged but not required for consideration.

  • Candidates are required to complete and submit a questionnaire by the committee's deadline.

  • Once the questionnaire is received, the endorsement committee shall review the applications and schedule candidate screenings at their discretion.

The Process

  • The endorsement process may occur at any time after the candidate filing deadline and before the first day of early voting for that election.

  • Eligible members shall serve on an ad-hoc committee for each election.

  • Any caucus member is eligible to participate in the endorsement committee.

  • Committee members must be registered Democrats and have paid dues at least 7 days before any endorsement proceedings.


  • Voting shall take place during a closed committee session.

  • Committee members' votes and identities shall remain confidential.

  • The vote shall be scheduled at least 7 days after all candidate screenings and committee deliberations have concluded.

  • Each member shall receive 1 point to allocate to candidates of their choice, which can be given as a whole to 1 candidate or split between 2, resulting in each candidate receiving half (½) a point.

  • The candidate with the majority of points shall receive the endorsement.

  • In the event of a tie, the committee shall conduct a revote until a simple majority is achieved, ensuring a clear endorsement decision.


  • In exceptional cases, a committee member can motion to the chair to rescind an endorsement. Rescission requires a supermajority vote, defined as two-thirds (⅔) in favor.

  • The committee shall review, deliberate, and vote during a closed meeting.

  • Following the decision, a notification is issued. A successful rescission means that AADT no longer endorses the candidate in question.

Congratulations to our 2024 endorsed Democratic candidates on your election!

(*) incumbent

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